Sniper Sub Weapon Guide Part 3

Continuing from part 2, the next shotgun in the shotgun class is the Striker. This gun is semi automatic with no animation whatsoever, so it can kick out five shots without having to skip a beat.  It has a better count of fire than the AA-12 since it has more ammo, and it also beats the AA-12 in close range kills since you don't waste any shots by automatic recoil like the AA-12. The only drawback is the massive reload time it takes just to get all the ammo into the gun and it takes a long time to cancel it by trying to fire the gun. The silencer attachment on this weapon actually doesn't limit the range by too much which makes it excellent when attacking someone thats in medium range, it also helps that this gun has a size 12 magazine size. Like the AA-12, this gun is better used when aiming from the hip so the RDS and the Holographic sight are best used when you know you're going to use ADS the majority of the time rather that to waste an attachment slot for this gun. The grip is like the basic attachment for this gun since even with the low amount of recoil, this gun can go to just about no recoil at all when firing, plus you don't have to worry about using more shots than you have to with this baby on.

The Ranger shotgun is one of the guns most sniper users would use other than Model 1887, but I don't get most of why this is. It's power is high I'll give it that, and it'll pretty much take down a close range target with one or two shots, but it just doesn't have the stealth or the accuracy that you need when trying to go about a match. The obvious attachment choice for this gun is the Akimbo, but I'm just not really for this gun at all. (I'm sorry for the one's that do like it,  but this is just my opinion)

The next gun on the list is the semi-automatic M1014, and this particular gun is one of the ones that is truly looked over on multiplayer. I don't see why, but its anyones guess, not mine. It has a total of four shots that can be fired, and it has a kick to it with recoil that makes it go a little off target when firing. It has enough power to kill in one shot, but the ammo count is too low to really see the benefits of using it long term. The silencer has no real purpose since it hinders the power way too much and with only four bullets, you won't get a better value with this gun using two shots for just one person. The RDS and the Holographic sight is just like the Striker as it doesn't serve a use to people that shoot from the hip real frequently. Still, the iron sight on this gun is clunky and closed off, so it would be a great choice if you constantly aim in. The grip serves as much a purpose as the SPAS-12 and the Striker as it controls the aim and the fire spread, plus it's very useful on this gun since you don't have room to miss too frequently.

The most famous shotgun used for sniper rifles has to be the Model 1887 akimbo hands down. It has enough power to equal the SPAS-12 singled, and with the Akimbo feature, it overwhelms most other shot guns. The problem whit this gun was it's range was way too far, so patches were made in order to limit it to that of the SPAS-12, so it basically isn't too spam addicting to use. One shot should do the job at close or medium range with stopping power, and the cool Lever action feature helps reload quickly to shoot again. The speed isn't AA-12, or Striker quick so going overboard is just asking to be killed, plus without the akimbo this gun's shooting speed is super slow, making it difficult to try and get off a second shot when the first one misses. Only use this gun with akimbo, or try to get the akimbo attachment for it and you're all set.