Sniper Sub Weapon Guide Part 2

The next Machine Pistol taking off from part 1 is the PP2000, a very good weapon with a high amount of power and a nice aim overall. It has a good low recoil for a Machine pistol, and at short range can do amazing damage. The only drawback to this particular gun is that it has a low count magazine, making this gun have to reload before you can even try to hit anyone else together in a group. This gun would be terrific with the Extended mags, but it won't help you try to keep a low profile at all either way. With the silencer, it's just asking for trouble since the magazine is already so low, and with the damage reduced it'll have to take more bullets just to kill an opponent. The optical scopes will do either no harm or no good since the iron sights on this weapon is already good enough to scope out targets easily. The attachment that'll really do some good is the Akimbo, which will make this gun double it's output making opponents fall a little easier with ammo left over. Its not as much as other guns, but its enough to probably chain together more than one kill without having to reload.

The TMP  has a fast rate of fire and a quick reload, plus it has a low recoil so you 'll know you're hitting your target even when holding down the trigger button. The problem with this gun is very severe since this gun has a low ammo count of 15, smaller than even the PP2000. With the rate of fire marked at 900 RPM while the PP2000 is only at 700 plus with the power both marked at 20, it's obvious which is the better choice. Again, a silencer on this weapon isn't a good choice since it lowers the damage overall and it makes you have to fire more shots just to kill someone. A red dot sight as well  as a holographic sight will do some good since the aim on this gun is so cluttered, plus it will also help with getting all your shots on target. (Can't afford to miss any with this amount of ammo) Unfortunately, out of most weapons this gun is horrible with the akimbo, making the crosshairs and the range of this gun huge to pretty much spray all over the place, plus, even with the extra bit of ammo, it's still not enough to give this gun more power since the count is still as low as 30 bullets.

The M93 Raffica is a popular favorite to most people in terms of secondary weapons, the reason why is because of its quick ADS  and high power like a pistol of sorts. This gun is semi automatic, but it bursts out three bullets per squeeze like the M16, or the FAMAS. It's quick action and quick switch will be a good choice for quick kills, as well as the good magazine size of 15. (That works out to 5 shots, good enough for a pistol) With the silencer on this gun it can easily prove as good as a silenced USP .45 and is therefore a good choice for CQC. With the three burst round, two to three quick bursts with the silencer on will kill an opponent trying to do personal damage. The Red dot sight is inaccurate as the bullets go off the red dot, and the Holographic sight is also like this with the addition of  being too bulky for a gun that barely scopes in. Clearly it was made for strict close combat. The Tac knife works as great as it would on a handgun, don't expect any problems here at all unless you're bad with the knife. The akimbo attachment on this gun pretty much pawns anyone that gets even in medium range, much less close range since the damage done is off the charts and the ammo count goes to 10 shots. Unlike most other machine pistols, simultaneously pressing the triggers will have a worst effect in my opinion than clicking them alternately. You have to make sure all shots go in before even thinking about pressing the other trigger since its got horrible hip fire without the steady aim.

 The shotgun class is a close favorite for sniper rifle users since it only requires at most two shots to kill the opponent quickly. Besides the fact that its loud and inaccurate, it has enough power to easily blow back an opponent too close and go back to sniping like nothing really happened.

The first shotgun is the SPAS-12 and it has enough power to kill in one hit at close range and two hits at medium range. Despite the fact that you have to cock the gun to the side after every fire, it has a fair amount of power to get the job done in one shot to guarantee success. If it takes more than one, this action should probably serve as a warning that you're not hitting them close enough to kill them without having to do this. The silencer on this gun does it some pain since power is reduced and therefore one shot won't be enough anymore, forcing you to cock the gun and fire again. RDS and Holographic helps to make sure you're hitting your target square on as you wouldn't want to miss with this gun, plus it adds some range of accuracy to it when firing. The grip on this gun really amounts to something when firing from the hip, as well as using the ADS since your aim doesn't sway as much and you can easily get all the bullets clean into the victim.

The AA-12 is a quick release semi automatic shotgun and usually lets out more fire than you originally want since pressing the trigger once will release two shots instead of one. In terms of power, this gun doesn't do much at all individually, but it does heavy damage when each shot successfully hits the target square on.  This makes the gun far more easier to bee seen on radar since you'll have to shoot three or more shots just to kill one person. You also have make sure each shot cleanly hits the target or you'll risk losing to the target in firepower. The silencer pretty much doesn't help for both power and range since you'll have to be a little farther than knife range just to kill with a few shots. Since it's better used aiming from the hip, most people don't use the RDS or the Holographic, but it makes a greater difference in accuracy just in case you use ADS.
You can also use the heartbeat sensor for this gun to pretty much know where the enemy is in terms of getting close enough to you "sweet spot" area and is a great way to counter their advances before they try to even get near you. The grip attachment on this gun will surely make this gun more useful when using ADS since the AA-12 does have both some sway and this attachment makes the switch time more quicker than without it.