Online Sniping Facts

When you get online with your friends or by yourself, there are a couple of facts that are very useful when both attacking your opponents and getting the best out of your sniper Rifle.  The first fact is that your Perk setup makes bigger difference than you think when sniping. If me and my opponent have the same gun and went head to head, the things we have equipped will no doubt help us get an advantage. First of all stopping power rules in each and every way because some people can only get in  one nice shot before the opponent wises up and get behind cover.  Some people need the cold blooded perk to not get owned by kill streaks while camping and sniping. Bling is a great addition and new favorite to those that need both FMJ and ACOG, or Extra magazines with a silencer. The only other perk in this category made for snipers is Sleight of Hand to reload quicker so you can get back to sniping a whole lot faster. The next best perk for sniping is Steady Aim Pro. (Steady Aim regular won't really help except for no scopes) It allows you to hold your breath longer to get your aim steady and your gun straight. The last perk I think helps a lot is Ninja Pro. It allows you to run to a new sniping spot without being heard by earphones or seen with Heartbeat sensors. 

The next thing that can help you snipe better that doesn't deal with perks is how your form is. I've found out that standing while sniping will make your aim worser than when you're crouched or prone. This rule is basically put in the basics of all the other guns, but I never thought that it would be the same fore sniper rifles. Actually though, I found this out a few years ago when playing COD 4. You need to make it a habit, if not already one, to crouch automatically when you see a target and go for the snipe. Most people have this hardwired into the head to do this because it both avoids being hit and it makes your aim over 30% more accurate. Notice how some people love to automatically go fully prone when the see an enemy. The next fact is that the beginning of a match is a crucial point to get eager rushers before you go to your trusty sniper spot. You can easily get over five kills here before most people can even get one because of your sniping advantage. Almost ALL the maps have a point where the majority of your opponents will try to feed through this exact point and try to go "Rambo" on any one they see.  The Sub Base, Quarry, Afghan, and many more maps have these positions where the first fire fight usually always began here. All you have to do is get a vantage point over all of these areas and snipe till your hearts content. 

The other fact is that Assault Rifle, SMG, and LMG users can also "snipe" you while you try to snipe them. They can reach wherever you are no matter how far and feed a row of bullets straight into your head. You have to kill them before they even notice your presence or risk losing that streak or having to go back to that sweet spot all over again. Another good fact is that most people don't realize when they run into a death trap when they try to Scan-Snipe. When you Scan-Snipe, you follow an enemy and keep shooting at the same time missing all of those shots and giving away your position. The enemy will not stand still while you try to hit them, they will keep running, wait till you have to reload, and spray you with extreme prejudice. Try to get out of the scope once in a while, and take a deep breath before you try to snipe! This helps because you can make quick precise shots when you aim in, snap on, hold your breath, and fire one round for each enemy then you exit back out resetting both the kickback, and your breath. The last two facts is that you need to both always get out, and stay out of the kill-zone, and don't go at a situation head on. It's tempting to go run up like Rambo and spray the bastards with your shotgun or pistol, but its just not worth it. Especially if you try to get close with your sniper rifle. Stay away and snipe from there to really get the opponents more pissed than if you tried to run up. 

If you find yourself in a bad situation where this bastard is farming your sniping spot, or if an enemy sniper is overwhelming you before you can even try to get comfortable, you need to go at it from a different angle. Bastards that farm your sniping spot are people that intentionally go to a famed spot and set up there just to counter any one trying to use it. Like on Rust where you know the only spot to snipe is on top, and this punk is sitting there aiming at the entry points and putting a claymore at the ladder. (This used to piss me off so much!) you don't need to try to fall into his hands by repeatedly going after the bastard, you need to try to setup a vantage point on your own spot to take the bastard out. You don't then try to hurry to the area because he "will" be back for it and you just can't ignore every other enemy running around out there.  You need to try to farm that spot for yourself and snipe every enemy that tries to get there. For those that have went up against an enemy sniper and got your head handed to yourself on a plate, you are going about it the wrong way. Obviously he's a bit better than you with his gun and quite confident that you don't stand a chance. Going into a head to head battle will net you no results since he keeps sniping you perfectly before you can get your aim up. Rushing in like an idiot will also get your butt handed to yourself considering he probably has either claymores setup in his camping spot or has a nice spammy Model 21 akimbo or Magnum akimbo ready to eat you up for dinner. What do you do? First you have to switch up the paths you take cause obviously he's got a vigilant watch on your old one. It might take a little longer, but trust me it helps not getting sniped by the bastard. You then find out his location, this shouldn't be hard considering kill cam pretty much put a sign over his head saying I'm here in bright lights. You go around, get close, and get a nice vantage point by inching over to his area. This isn't the same as rushing, to rush means to go in without a care, and without a plan.  Claymores are horribly stunned by flash bangs so use it to stun both him and the claymore if it's actually around. He should go a bit crazy now so you should easily read his movements and snipe him off or hit him with your sub weapon. You should then farm this spot for him just in case he comes back. Thats it, a few easy facts that will help you be a way better sniper than you once was.